Argumentative Essay On Junk Food. Words4 Pages. Food a college student's best friend, but worst nightmare. We love it, hate it and sometimes can’t get enough of it. “Milk helps to build strong bones.” “If you eat carrots your eyes will become even prettier. Don’t eat junk food Junk food is bad and not good for our health. According to the Health Foundation (), most of the junk foods such as biscuits, confectionery, hamburgers, instant noodles and soft drinks are of low nutritional value. These foods which are high in fat and sugar will contribute to the childhood obesity · Download Paper: Views: Form: Argumentative essay Audience: Young students and teenagers Tone: Informative Purpose: To raise awareness that junk food in school has many negative side effects Central Idea: Junk foods found in cafeterias and vending machines of elementary and high schools must be abolished because of their negative effects on the children’s academics, the
Persuasive Essay On Junk Food - Words
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READ PAPER. Argumentative Essay Should the sale of junk food in school canteens be banned? Since the schools were introduced to junk foods, kids started to buy and consume uncontrolled. Junk food is any food that is perceived to be unhealthy and of low nutritional value. Tran states that the nutritional value of food eaten by Australian children has been falling progressively over the past 30 years.
As a way to overcome the problem, the sale of junk food in the school canteens should be banned as it is unhealthy, it causes litter problem and it causes behavioural problems in the children. Junk food is bad and not good for our health. According to the Health Foundationmost of the junk foods such as biscuits, confectionery, hamburgers, instant noodles and soft drinks are of low nutritional value. These foods which are high in fat and sugar will contribute to the childhood obesity.
The schools will face the problem of weight gain among the children. The problem becomes worse if the children do not get enough physical activity. Hence, the unhealthy food argumentative essay about junk food be prohibited in the school canteens as it is unhealthy to the school children.
In addition, fast food packaging is the major contributor to the litter problem. According to Smithlitter is a safety and health hazard, it will burden the costs for a school to clean up the litter and also create a bad image of our communities. Jack Green, a teacher of Hillview Primary School reports that when the junk foods were sold at school canteen, there were cans,crisp packets,cartons and plastic containers all around the school compound.
As a result, the school groundsman have to spend much time to clean the grounds and no time to spend on the maintenance projects that benefit the school. In other words, banning of junk foods ensure the cleanliness of school. Most of the junk foods sold in school canteens contained chemical additives to give colour and flavour instead of lengthening the shelf life of the junk foods.
These additives have been shown to cause behavioural problem such as hyperactivity and poor concentration among the children Smith According to The Food Show, Dr Cray said that when such foods are readily available at school everyday, argumentative essay about junk food, students cannot get the nutrients argumentative essay about junk food need for healthy development and growth, and their learning potential is reduced.
The students became calmer after lunch. As a conclusion, the sale of argumentative essay about junk food foods in school canteens should be phased out progressively because junk foods bring more harm than good to children.
Lastly, school authorities are responsible to put the welfare and safety of students in priority by banning the sale of junk food in school. Related Papers. powering india's growth. By shifalika goenka. Childhood Obesity: An Economic Perspective. By Erin Turner. By Victoria Richardson. How teachers perceive healthy eating and physical activity of primary school children.
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