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(New) + List of Peer Reviewed Journals - Open access journals
Some scholarly publishers have already outsourced operations like copy editing and printing. Now, 15 journals are outsourcing something free peer reviewed journals to science itself: the peer-review process. The service—which PCI RR will provide free to authors and journals—will add to the existential questions facing journals, says Jason Free peer reviewed journals, CEO of PeerJan open-access family of journals that has signed up for the initiative.
For PeerJwhich is committed to low publishing fees, outsourcing peer review provides an opportunity to innovate, he says. The organization identifies volunteer experts to review just one type of journal article: registered reportswhich are detailed plans of experimental questions and methods, submitted for peer review before the start of a research project. Authors can still take their manuscripts elsewhere, if the results are striking enough to publish in a high-impact journal, says Emily Sena, editor-in-chief of BMJ Open Science and a co-founder of PCI RR.
PCI RR publishes reviews but does not free peer reviewed journals reviewers to sign them. Those communities offer free peer review of preprints, free peer reviewed journals, with published reviews and letters of recommendation for papers that pass muster, as a way for researchers to signal the quality of their work—and free peer reviewed journals it free free peer reviewed journals read—without using traditional journals or paying high open-access publishing fees.
PCI RR says it will accept registered report submissions in disciplines across science, medicine, social science, and the humanities.
Like journals, PCI RR will rely on scientists to provide volunteer labor. That could make it difficult to maintain a diverse pool of reviewers and keep workloads sustainable as the project grows, Rasmussen says. But PCI RR, with its cross-disciplinary focus and ambition to bring more journals on board, may become more expensive.
Logan says the founders are thinking about ways to keep the project sustainable. In the long term, she says, PCI RR may need to raise funds to hire administrative staff—although the team is committed to volunteerism for the primary work of reviewing. Hoyt says other projects have attempted to put parts of peer review outside scholarly journals, but none of them has gained much ground, possibly because of a lack of incentives for researchers to use them.
He thinks PCI RR does offer enticements: In addition to providing a near guarantee of publication at a range of journals, it offers valuable feedback at the most helpful stage, research planning. But with PCI RR performing all the steps involved in peer review, publishers will have to demonstrate their value, Hoyt says.
He says publishers still operate platforms that draw readers, and they do important work to format articles so they can be aggregated by PubMed and other databases.
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, time: 5:13Frontiers | Peer Reviewed Articles - Open Access Journals

Open-access publisher of peer-reviewed scientific articles across the entire spectrum of academia. Research network for academics to stay up-to-date with the latest scientific publications, events, jobs, video lectures, blogs and news Journal Network manages over peer-reviewed, open access publications. We supply out own managing editors while connecting well-qualified and vetted associate editors to publication submission to provide additional review services. All titles are indexed in UlrichsWeb and Google Scholar Apart from providing a free access to articles to everyone, it also extends support to other scholarly journals in the peer-review process, production, and distribution. All the articles published in academic journals are peer reviewed and published only on adhering to the norms. Upon acceptance, the articles will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download
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