Friday, April 23, 2021

Scholarly paper sample

Scholarly paper sample

scholarly paper sample

Being able to present your purpose the best way possible can add up to the success of your academic paper. Sample Academic Essay. Details. File Format. PDF; Size: KB. Download. Academic Essay Writing Sample. Details. File Format. PDF; Size: KB. Download. Developing an Academic Essay. For you to be able to persuade your readers with the content of your academic Sample Papers This page contains sample papers formatted in seventh edition APA Style. The sample papers show the format students should use to submit a course assignment and that authors should use to submit a manuscript for publication in a professional journal Research Paper Samples A research paper is possibly the most serious type of academic assignment, as it requires a thorough investigation of sources and relaying complex information to readers. See our research paper samples to learn how to write a research paper yourself. Most Powerful Militaries in 5/5

FREE Academic Paper Examples: Essays, Reports, Research Papers

It includes some key parts of the paper such as the AbstractIntroductionDiscussion and References :. Text center-aligned and placed at the middle of the page, stating the title of the paper, name of author and affiliation. The abstract starts on the next page, page 2. The text starts at the top, left flushed, double-spaced. The body text starts on the next page, page 3.

Infant feeding practices refer generally to meet the nutritional and immunological needs of the baby. A study of infant feeding practices was carried out on a sample of mother and infant pairs. Employed mothers tend to cease from breastfeeding their babies and eventually stop and just resort to formula feeding as they go back to work, scholarly paper sample. The study also showed that mothers who are married and living with their partners are more likely to breastfeed their infants than single mothers.

Those scholarly paper sample higher educational attainment resort more to formula feeding and mixed feeding than those with lower educational attainment. Scholarly paper sample care professionals influence mothers the most when it comes to infant feeding decisions. Methodology Type scholarly paper sample Research The type of research that will be used in this study is qualitative research and quantitative research.

Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Besides this, the researcher will also examine the phenomenon through observations in numerical representations and through statistical analysis. Along with questionnaires that will be given out to respondents for the statistical representation of the findings in the study, interviews with the respondents and a few experts in this field will also be conducted.

Sampling Method The research sampling method that will be used in this study is random sampling to obtain a more scientific result that could be used to represent the entirety of the population. A list of all health care facilities maternity and lying-in clinics, public and scholarly paper sample hospitals, health centers was acquired from the Las Piñas City Hall, scholarly paper sample.

From 20 barangays, 3 will be picked through random sampling. The health care facilities and institutions in these three barangays will then be the target sources of respondents of the researcher. The health care facilities and institutions will be contacted to obtain a verbal consent to administer the questionnaire to mothers at their places.

A letter of consent will also be sent to them along with a sample copy of the questionnaire that will be used, as well as the protocol of the researcher. A letter was also addressed to the City Health Officer to obtain endorsement and consent to conduct a research in selected barangays and distribute questionnaires to the mothers in the vicinity.

The researcher chose Las Piñas City because of the socio-economic conditions present in the area that is relevant to the study and also as it fits the time frame and resources of the researcher. The randomly sampled respondents will be asked by the researcher for consent and approval to answer the questionnaire until the desired number of respondents which is is reached. Questionnaire The questionnaire requires information about the socio-economic and demographic background of the mother.

The description of the type of infant formula given by formula and mixed feeding mothers will also be asked in the material. Conclusion Majority of the mothers formula feed their child and only a minority exclusively breastfeeds their children, especially as per recommendation of the World Health Organization. While majority of the mothers in this study showed a positive attitude towards breastfeeding, most of them decided only to formula feed due to the reasons of insufficient milk supply and work.

Based on the results of the study, the educational attainment, work status, marital status, and seminars in the barangay the respondents are part of, scholarly paper sample, about breastfeeding, are scholarly paper sample significant factors that affect the infant feeding scholarly paper sample of mothers in Las Piñas City, scholarly paper sample.

Majority of the mothers that served as respondents in this study fall under the age range of years old. More than half of them were also college graduates while a significant number are undergraduates and have only reached until high school.

Most of the mothers are housewives and the others remaining have full-time jobs, part-time jobs and self-employed, scholarly paper sample.

A few of them are still students. While majority of them were married, a lot were still in a status of live-in and are single. More than half of the mothers did not have previous children before the current one. Majority of the respondents also have an annual gross household income that does not exceed P50, They influence the mothers in deciding to feed the baby with formula and in choosing, as well, which brand of formula is best for their babies.

Mothers were overall not concerned about the possible side effects of breastfeeding as a few were only worried as shown in the data presented. It can be concluded that numerous internal as well as external factors influence a mother in making infant feeding decisions, and a greater fraction of these is socio-economic in nature.

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Research Paper Example - Outline and Free Samples

scholarly paper sample

Being able to present your purpose the best way possible can add up to the success of your academic paper. Sample Academic Essay. Details. File Format. PDF; Size: KB. Download. Academic Essay Writing Sample. Details. File Format. PDF; Size: KB. Download. Developing an Academic Essay. For you to be able to persuade your readers with the content of your academic Research Paper Samples A research paper is possibly the most serious type of academic assignment, as it requires a thorough investigation of sources and relaying complex information to readers. See our research paper samples to learn how to write a research paper yourself. Most Powerful Militaries in 5/5 Sample Papers This page contains sample papers formatted in seventh edition APA Style. The sample papers show the format students should use to submit a course assignment and that authors should use to submit a manuscript for publication in a professional journal

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