· Animal extinction Animal extinction has been dramatically occurring and this is the biggest issue in the planet. The governments and scientists try to figure out the better ways to prevent and preserve the disappearance of animals. Human attitudes, degradation of nature and climate change are the causes that lead to animal extinction Habitat degradation may cause extinction of animal species either directly or indirectly. The industries and farms produce a lot of toxic products. The effects of these products include; reduced reproductive capacity, short life span and reduces that ability of the animals to survive the environmental conditions There is also a phenomena referred to as genetic pollution which also can cause extinction of a certain species. Effects of animal extinction. When we lose the animals through extinction, we lose biodiversity. Biodiversity simply refers to the total number species as well as ecosystems in the earth’s surface or of a given blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
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Unfortunately, almost thousands or millions of animals are being killed and facing extinction nowadays. According to the Centre for Biological Diversity n. On the other hand, can you imagine that if your grandson or your next generation are asking you how do an elephant look like? And you are not able show cause and effect of animal extinction essay in the zoo as they are already extinct. Thus, the causes of animal extinction are habitat destruction, illegal hunting from human to the animal and introduction of exotic species.
There are two types of habitat for different categories of animals, which are forest, the habitat for the terrestrial animals and sea, the habitat for the marine organisms. Therefore, habitat is important for the animal as long as it provides a shelter, food and water for them and it may play an important role to complete a life cycle Evans, Thus, selfishness and desire of human is the main cause of animal losing the habitat and it may make them loss the ability to survive as a result of lack of food and water.
For example, industrial development will cause the animal to lose its habitat because human has cut down all the trees to build the factory. As a result, reduction of trees destroys the habitat of the animals. Natural phenomenon such as climate change, rise of sea level, fire, flood and so on will lead to habitat loss.
According to Gibbonswho is a senior majoring Human Biology, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, temperature of local environment become less stable due to the retreat of the Wisconsin ice sheet while late Pleistocene, hence some habitats was eliminated, shrank and disappeared.
Illegal hunting is difficult to be monitored by the government because government does not have enough money to hire police to patrol the wide forest and the smart way of the criminal to transport the protected animals to other places or countries. Therefore, illegal hunting is still happening nowadays and it may cause extinction to certain animals. Bove n. d believes that animal caught by the illegal hunter will secretly smuggle the animal or body parts of the animal across the national border and sold the product via "black market" network.
Furthermore, some animals which are protected by the government have the value of making some products such as fashion products, in medicine field and so on. Thus, hunting protected animals can make more money as buyers may pay more money to get the animals.
Besides, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, according to Noltsa Professor in Philosophy Department in the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in s, Carolina parakeet is facing extinction during that time because of illegal hunting. The feathers of the Carolina parakeet are good materials for cause and effect of animal extinction essay making.
In a nutshell, extinction of animals is caused by the habitat destruction, illegal hunting and introduce of exotic species. Since many cases of extinction of the animals occurred in the past, therefore, we as human should learn from the past and work hand in hand to avoid extinction of the animals.
Besides, government should enforce the rules or laws to punish the criminals that kill or hunt for protected animals, cause and effect of animal extinction essay.
As quoted by Derrick Jensen, "No matter what we call it, poison is still poison, cause and effect of animal extinction essay, death is still death, and industrial civilization is still causing the greatest mass extinction in the history of the planet. Hence, you are only able to show them by pictures and not the real elephants. First of all, animal extinction is due to habitat loss. Unfortunately, a lot of animals are facing habitat loss and it is caused by the human activity. Another reason of habitat destruction is natural causes.
As a result, animal extinction is caused by the habitat loss. In addition, illegal hunting by human will also lead to extinction of animals. As a result, illegal hunting will cause animal extinction. Toggle navigation Uni Assignment. Home Services How it works Guarantees Order Now Essay Samples FAQ Contact Sign in.
Body: First of all, animal extinction is due to habitat loss. Conclusion: In a nutshell, extinction of animals is caused by the habitat destruction, illegal hunting and introduce of exotic species.
Why Do Animals Go Extinct? - COLOSSAL QUESTIONS
, time: 2:50The Leading Causes Of Animal Extinction Biology Essay

The causes of many species becoming endangered and extinct are varied, but the most critical reason for animal extinction is the loss of natural habitats. Since people try to build up a fashion and modern cities, so the developers cut down the rainforests As a result, animal extinction is caused by the habitat loss. In addition, illegal hunting by human will also lead to extinction of animals. Illegal hunting is difficult to be monitored by the government because government does not have enough money to hire police to patrol the wide forest and the smart way of the criminal to transport the protected animals to other places or · Animal extinction Animal extinction has been dramatically occurring and this is the biggest issue in the planet. The governments and scientists try to figure out the better ways to prevent and preserve the disappearance of animals. Human attitudes, degradation of nature and climate change are the causes that lead to animal extinction
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