· Louis Armstrong () remains a pivotal figure in American culture nearly thirty-five years after his death. In his twenties and thirties, he was one of jazz’s foremost innovators, elevating the instrumental solo to a new and important role and helping invent the jazz style of singing. Later in life, he became a widely popular entertainer rather than an innovator, a sort of “living Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Free Custom Essay on «Louis Armstrong» Your request should consist of 5 char min. 10% OFF. your first order. Use code first Our Advantages. Live chat and customer support team working 24/7; Professional experts; Quality and confidentiality guarantees; All standard formats followed; Investigation of all subjects; No late orders; Original paper writing; Place an order. Discounts. 5% OFF · This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The Role of Louis Armstrong in The Civil Rights Movement. Category: Entertainment; Subcategory: Musicians; Topic: Louis Armstrong; Pages: 3; Words: ; Published: 09 Jun ; Downloads: 55; Download. Print. Get help with writing. Pssst we can write an original essay just for you. Any subject. Any type of essay.
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Any subject. Any type of essay. Jazz music was insanely popular and appealed to the masses despite differences in race and gender. The music helped forge a link between black and white people, bringing them together for the simple enjoyment of art, louis armstrong essay. The effects of jazz music broke down social barriers, greatly influencing and shaping the Civil Rights Movement into the success that it was. Louis Armstrong, one of the most prominent figures in jazz, played a role in the movement throughout his career.
Armstrong faced racial discrimination himself, he was also at times outspoken but, louis armstrong essay, he was controversial in the jazz community for not using his status more often to help take a stronger stand against problems that the black community faced.
Louis Armstrong was born and raised in New Orleans in He grew up poor, powerless, and did not have an easy life leading up to his stardom. His career lasted about fifty years, from the early s to the s. He was highly talented and a very charismatic performer. Armstrong was an influential trumpet player and beautiful singer with a rich voice. He also shifted the attention from collective improvisation to that of solo improvisation, changing the direction of jazz music.
Armstrong was no stranger to racism and learned from a very young age that opposing racism would only cause him harm and bring trouble his way. He was born in a tense time after the Robert Charles Riots ofwhere African American Robert Charles shot a police officer for harassing him. Racial tensions between white and black folks went through the roof following that incident. However, something that made him stand out from other louis armstrong essay musicians is that he was celebrated and embraced amongst white people despite the social climate of the time and the fact that many of them viewed him as an inferior person, louis armstrong essay.
From the very beginning of his career, Armstrong was faced louis armstrong essay the harsh reality of racism. In his early days, when he played music with a band on riverboat to a predominantly white audience, louis armstrong essay, he experienced the segregation between whites and blacks very clearly. Although there was a strong connection between him and the audience, there still was a gap between them louis armstrong essay could not be bridged.
Despite the fact that the audience deeply enjoyed his creative melodies and felt moved and emotionally connected to the music, it did not evoke enough compassion in them to treat him and his band members any better than how they were normally treated.
These louis armstrong essay about how he felt about the segregation he experienced and his white audience, obviously did not sit well with his African American audience and other black jazz musicians, causing outrage. They wanted him to take a much firmer stance on the discrimination that African American people experienced louis armstrong essay a daily basis, especially because he was favored by white people and had such a large reach.
The black community did not like the fact that he did very little to exercise his status within the white community to bring about social change.
However, Armstrong viewed being openly confrontational to discrimination and prejudice as a dangerous act to commit. Armstrong felt that being subservient to white people, was an unfortunately necessary evil in order for him to live successfully and happily. Louis Armstrong even recounts how he had to suppress his rage when his white manager, Johnny Collins, referred to him using a racial slur. He willingly silenced himself because at the time he was not an established person with enough power to take a stand against a white man, louis armstrong essay.
Armstrong maintained this silence and never spoke out about political issues until much later in his career, once he was already an established artist and had a reputation within the white community.
One instance of Louis Armstrong exercising his influence as a way to protest, is when he wrote a letter to the president of the United States invoicing his displeasure with their action. His silence on such a huge issue in American society at the time allowed for resistance to the law. Furthermore, Armstrong was always one to embrace his culture and never sold out to his white audience. He maintained his personality, fashion, hairstyle, music style and never gave into the white standard.
In the early s, he refused to straighten his hair as a way to appeal to his white audience, staying true to his roots. Musically, Armstrong maintained his individuality in a world where being different was not welcomed, and never failed to be himself. Louis Armstrong not only transcended boundaries but also helped push American society forward in a positive direction.
His unique ability to connect with his largely racist white audience gave way to a better future. He was a captivating and talented performer, with a beautiful singing voice, impressive trumpet playing skills, and had a lively personality. However, due to a rough childhood centering around racism, his fear of white louis armstrong essay and punishment for being black, led him to being louis armstrong essay silent on racial issues for a large part of his career.
The black community looked down on him because of his seemingly neutral stance on racism. Many viewed him as someone who did not care about the issues that black people faced but, louis armstrong essay, he did in fact care.
Armstrong went as far as calling out the president of the Louis armstrong essay States at the time, encouraging the desegregation of schools. However, he felt that there were other ways of confronting discrimination that did not involve directly speaking on them, and that is what he did for a large part of his career. Through his music he normalized and, in a way, desensitized African American people to that of Caucasian people. He conveyed to an audience who largely opposed who he was due to his skin color, that black people were not the enemy, that they could be just as funny, charismatic, talented, and as amazing as he was.
He cultivated a space through music, where white and black people could connect with each other despite their differences. Armstrong cared deeply about his race, even though he rarely showed his support using his voice, he resisted conforming to white louis armstrong essay culture and stuck to his roots. Therefore, Louis Armstrong is one of the many jazz musicians who played an important role in the Civil Rights Movement, using his music and making political statements to help facilitate change.
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Louis armstrong essay professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The Role of Louis Armstrong in The Civil Rights Movement Subject: Entertainment Category: Musicians Topic: Louis Armstrong Pages 3 Words: Published: 09 Jun Downloads: 55 Download Print.
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Jazz Docu - Louis Armstrong - The Wonderful World Of Louis Armstrong
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Louis Armstrong Essay Words | 3 Pages. Louis Armstrong Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong was one of the most popular musicians of his time. Upon initiating my research, I was surprised to find conflicting dates as to when he was born. Encarta Africa said he was born in , things to know about African American history, regular Encarta , "Little Louis and the jazz band" by Angela Biography of Louis Armstrong Essay Words | 5 Pages. Louis Armstrong was born in one of the poorest sections in New Orleans, August 4, Louis a hard-working kid who helped his mother and sister by working every type of job there was, including going out on street corners at night to singing for coins. Slowly making money, Louis bought his first horn, a cornet. At age eleven Armstrong · "Louis Armstrong Essay" doesn’t help, our writers will! Trust an expert. Louis Armstrong was an American singer, trumpeter, composer, and actor that was renowned in the jazz industry. He was born in in New Orleans and died at the age of 69 in New York. Armstrong was known for his improvisation in the jazz music whereby he had contributions to its changes in the soloist features
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