Thursday, October 7, 2021

Should i do my homework now or wake up early

Should i do my homework now or wake up early

should i do my homework now or wake up early

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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Insomnia is a common problem among older adults. In particular, older adults experience insomnia coupled with early morning awakenings due to an interaction between age-related changes in circadian rhythm timing coupled with behavior changes that contribute to sustained poor sleep.

Cognitive—behavioral therapy for insomnia CBT-Iat times coupled with circadian interventions e. In delivering CBT-I to older adults, modifications are sometimes necessary to accommodate for medical problems, lifestyle, social factors, and patient preferences.

Addition of circadian interventions can ameliorate the negative effects of inappropriately timed sleep as well. These treatment methods can be highly effective and benefits can be long-standing. A case example is used to illustrate these points. Insomnia is a complaint of poor sleep that, for some people, reaches the level of a disorder worthy of treatment. Insomnia can be an independent disorder primary insomnia or attributed to another condition secondary insomnia; American Academy of Sleep Medicine, ; American Psychiatric Association, Insomnia can take several forms.

Insomnia can be transient, lasting a few days or weeks; however, should i do my homework now or wake up early, many older adults experience insomnia for years. Importantly, older adults with medical conditions and depression are particularly at risk for insomnia.

Healthy older adults have rates of insomnia similar to the overall adult population. One reason older adults may be at higher risk for insomnia is that sleep itself changes with advancing age.

Sleep latency time to fall asleep increases, early morning awakenings are more common, deep sleep stages 3—4 decreases, and sleep efficiency time asleep while in bed is reduced. Because older people spend less time in the deeper stages of sleep and more time in the lighter stages of sleep, they are more likely to awaken, for example, from noise in the environment.

Most primary sleep disorders e. Individuals with untreated sleep apnea are sleepier during the day than people without sleep apnea or people with treated sleep apnea. Among older adults, nocturia or arthritis pain can disrupt nighttime sleep.

In inpatient settings e. Insufficient nighttime sleep then contributes to daytime sleepiness and may lead to daytime napping. This can devolve into a vicious cycle in which napping then leads to even more nighttime insomnia. In this article, we briefly describe insomnia and common sleep problems in older adults, should i do my homework now or wake up early.

We then discuss the two-process model of sleep regulation Borbely, as it applies to sleep disturbances in advanced age. A case illustration of an older patient with insomnia and early morning awakenings follows a description of the gold-standard behavioral treatment for insomnia: cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia CBT-I. Clinical considerations on adapting CBT-I for older adults and for the particular case discussed are presented in the clinical practices and summary section.

Practical recommendations are summarized in Table 1. Adaptation and Special Considerations of Cognitive—Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia CBT-I for Older Adults. Write the prescribed recommendations directly on sleep diary or other forms to aid memory e. Daytime napping should be eliminated if possible. A brief minute nap with alarm clock may be needed to maintain alertness until bedtime.

When establishing should i do my homework now or wake up early point for time in bed, adjust upward if napping is a large proportion of total sleep. Remind patient to use assistive devices cane, walker, glasses, etc. if out of bed at night. Assess fall risk. If a major concern, have patient sit on edge of bed or in a chair near bed for safety.

Ensure physical activity and dietary recommendations are consistent with medical recommendations. Allow for liquids consumed with evening medications. Remind patient to urinate immediately before bedtime. Age-related misperceptions about sleep. Realistic expectations given, comorbid conditions and needed medications that may impact sleep. Patients with mild cognitive problems may find cognitive therapy difficult, but may still benefit from behavioral aspects of treatment.

Use content of worry time e. Query activities patient may already be doing for relaxation e. According to the two-process model of sleep regulation Borbely,two biological mechanisms control sleep: the homeostatic drive for sleep Process Sthat is, the longer one is awake, the more likely one is to fall asleep; and the circadian drive for sleep Process Ca separate process by which the propensity for sleep varies across the hour day.

The two-process model can be used to conceptualize sleep disturbance in older adults. First, as sleep architecture changes and the ability to sleep solidly at night decreases, the homeostatic drive for sleep Process S may increase during the daytime hours.

If the person then naps, the homeostatic drive will be reduced at night. Endogenous circadian rhythms Process C also change in timing and quality with advancing age.

Also, the timing of circadian rhythms typically shifts to an earlier time, which can result in sleepiness at undesirable times e. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of Process S and Process C in a healthy younger adult Panel Aand an older adult with reduced circadian rhythm amplitude and earlier timing with alterations in sleep homeostasis Panel B. The two-process model of sleep regulation. Panel A depicts a healthy adult.

Panel B depicts an older adult, with altered circadian timing, reduced circadian rhythm amplitude and alterations in sleep homeostasis resulting from daytime sleeping. Periodic environmental stimuli, especially light exposure, play a vital role in the entrainment of internal circadian rhythms to the hour environment.

Lack of sufficient exposure to appropriately timed light is implicated in sleep difficulties with aging. Exposure to light at night can alter circadian rhythms as well. Advanced sleep phase disorder ASPD is common in older adults. Advanced sleep phase disorder is characterized by a persistent tendency to fall asleep and wake up earlier than is desired or socially customary e.

The treatment of choice for ASPD is bright light therapy administered in the evening Gooley, Exposure to bright light in the evening temporarily inhibits the release of melatonin, a hormone related to sleepiness.

Once bright light exposure is ceased, melatonin is released and sleepiness is fostered. Bright light therapy in ASPD is, therefore, used to postpone sleepiness to coincide with the desired bedtime of the patient.

Notably, ASPD and insomnia symptoms sometimes co-occur in the elderly. In these cases, the two conditions may be mutually exacerbating, and warrant concomitant or sequential treatment depending on the specific case formulation. Studies have shown that CBT-I is highly effective for older adults and may be superior to pharmacotherapy in the long-term management of chronic insomnia.

There have been at least seven published randomized controlled trials with older adults that compared CBT-I to no-treatment or placebo treatments. All showed that CBT-I was associated with significant improvements in sleep compared to control treatments. Cognitive—behavioral therapy of insomnia is generally a brief treatment 4—8 sessions that can be administered in group or individual format. During therapy, patients are asked to keep a daily sleep diary to track their sleep.

Table 1 outlines specific modifications and special considerations when using CBT-I with older patients. Cognitive—behavioral therapy uses Socratic should i do my homework now or wake up early to inspire awareness and motivation to change. In CBT-I, the behavioral components are based largely on classical conditioning, and in particular on stimulus control.

The 3-Ps represent three key factors in the development of chronic insomnia: predisposing factors that make the person vulnerable to insomnia, precipitating factors that trigger the insomnia, and perpetuating factors that maintain the insomnia see Table 2. The perpetuating factors are often maladaptive attempts to cope with and counteract the effects of the insomnia e.

The goal of CBT-I is to target perpetuating factors. During the cognitive component of therapy, the patient is made aware of the interrelationships among thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and is taught to restructure thoughts that increase the likelihood of poor sleep e.

Some patients have difficulty identifying and working with specific thoughts, whereas others are highly receptive to cognitive exercises and find them tremendously helpful. It is important to note that each patient is different and what is a predisposing factor for one may be a precipitating event or perpetuating factor for another.

For example, a long-standing major depressive disorder places a should i do my homework now or wake up early at higher risk for insomnia predisposing ; however, an acute major depressive episode may coincide with the onset of insomnia precipitatingand having depression may contribute to behaviors that maintain insomnia such as failing to engage in health-promoting behaviors like taking medications or visiting healthcare providers should i do my homework now or wake up early. An individualized conceptualization of each patient is needed to insure that the appropriate cognitive and behavioral targets are addressed.

George was an year-old man referred should i do my homework now or wake up early his primary care physician to the insomnia clinic for evaluation and treatment of chronic insomnia. During the intake session he described taking too long to fall asleep and waking up very early in the morning.

These problems began when he had two back surgeries and subsequently reduced his physical activity. George did not directly attribute his sleep difficulties to these events, and had no explanation for his poor sleep. To manage his should i do my homework now or wake up early problems, Mr, should i do my homework now or wake up early. George tried several sleeping pills with no significant benefit. He most recently tried over-the-counter sleep aids e. George expressed that he did not wish to use medications for sleep.

He was also concerned about potential medical consequences or psychological dependence from prescription medications. George lived alone in an apartment, he was single, never married, and did not have children. At the time of the interview, he had a fairly routine daily schedule, with fixed meal times and regular exercise which entailed walks, light weight lifting, sit-ups and pushups, and teaching golf lessons.

He reported getting out of bed at a. and proceeding to take a walk, then doing indoor exercises followed by breakfast. He taught golf lessons until noon. His afternoon schedule was generally open. He spent his time reading, should i do my homework now or wake up early, listening to music, and occasionally watching television.

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, time: 11:41

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should i do my homework now or wake up early

Sep 11,  · I decide to do my daughter’s homework for one typical week. When I wake up, She added that by now, Esmee should know all her state capitals. She went on to say that in class, when the But now I’ve just completed my last few courses to officially finish my electrical eng BSc. and I’ve got a sizable student loan under my belt to chip away at. I’m currently finishing up some research under a professor while looking for my first real engineering job and at this point in my life, I feel like I’m having another little crisis The plan for the following week was to go to bed at p.m. and wake up at a.m. while a light box was ordered for the patient. He was instructed to go to bed 15 minutes earlier (at ) if he was sleeping well (defined as falling asleep within 30 minutes and being awake for less than 30 minutes at night) in one week, and to come back to

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